Hide your data in picture:
Here comes the most secure method (according to me coz its amazing) to hide your data from stranger or someone you don't want to show.
Method is very Simple. Just follow the Easy Steps.
(1) Create a New Folder. Name it as you like.
(2) Create a zip/rar/7zip file ( Which you want to hide)
(3) Select a picture in which You want to hide your data.
(4) Copy these zip and picture into the New Folder you created.
(5) Go to "start". type Cmd. ( run Command Prompt )
(6) Go to that directory where you create a New Folder.
For Example i created a New Folder in c:\.
c:\>cd new folder.
next command look like.
Now Type the following command.
copy /b picture.jpg + data.zip new image.jpg
Here picture. jpg is your image name, data.zip is your zip folder name of data, new image.jpg is that name you want to give to the picture that will hide your data.
copy /b Zeeshi.jpg + Hide.zip Zeeshi1.jpg
Close cmd.
Now go to that picture which you created, right-click it. Select "open with" then select winrar. Done extract it to get your data.